Androcom provides services in 4 complimentary areas:
Connected Learning
The term “connected learning” refers to a holistic approach that sees learning as a web of activities, each performing a distinctive role strengthened by connections – deliberate and fortuitous – with all the others.
Advice & Management
It takes thought, planning, good coordination, and continuous improvement to create an effective learning environment. Androcom can support you by:
- Evaluating your current learning program and providing advice on how it might be improved
- Recommending a mix of instructional approaches, learning technologies and performance
support resources appropriate to your circumstances - Coordinating production services sourcing
- Assessing the effectiveness of specific learning interventions
Learning Development
If instruction has been identified as an organizational need, Androcom has the expertise to create truly effective learning materials – quickly and at a reasonable cost. We employ a structured process that, at a high level, includes:
- Instructional analysis to learn as much as possible about your learners, learning environment, and skills or knowledge to be conveyed;
- Instructional strategy to identify an appropriate presentation method, delivery medium, sequence of instruction, and way to assess individual learning;
- Evaluation planning to spell out how the instructional program’s effectiveness will be measured during and after its creation; and
- Learning development to assemble, organize, write, produce, validate and implement learning materials.
More specifically, Androcom services include:
- Front-end Analysis of your learning context, instructional needs, learning goals, and required learning content;
- Content Capture from subject matter experts (SMEs), existing documentation and course materials, and direct observation;
- Instructional Design, in which broad learning goals, specific learning objectives, instructional strategies, test questions, teaching points, and presentation resources are brought together in a course design matrix;
- Writing of fully-detailed master lesson plans, production scripts and supporting documents to provide implementation staff with the content and guidance they need to assemble, program and publish/present finished products;
- Production Liaison to ensure that the implementation team prepares the instructional materials exactly as intended;
- Validation Testing to verify that learning materials are achieving the objectives set for them and to recommend program changes if they are not.
Performance Support
Most organizations put nearly all of their “training” dollars into classroom instruction or e-learning. As important as that is, much of the need may lie in another direction – the need for after-training performance support. Androcom can help you employ a number of strategies to meet this need, including:
- Using email and instant messaging to stimulate after-training recall and retention;
- Developing on-demand resources for employees who need a quick on-the-job refresher, an update on recent changes, or immediate help when something goes wrong;
- Arranging webinars on fast-breaking topics; and
- Creating job aids such as user manuals, process charts, checklists, and specification sheets for delivery in digital formats.
Informal Learning
In learning organizations that actively encourage information sharing, employees can learn much of what they need to know from their colleagues.
This happens mostly in informal ways – for instance, quick calls to an experienced colleague, participation in a mutually-supportive workplace task group, job shadowing, attendance at information-rich events, sharing ideas and discoveries at a staff meeting, and in many other ways.
The Internet presents many additional opportunities, from purposeful “Googling” to participation in online professional forums and communities of practice. Androcom can help you support and encourage these important learning channels by:
- Developing a strategy to promote a culture of sharing and mentoring;
- Identifying and enhancing existing informal learning practices in your workplace; and
- Organizing informal learning events such as lunch-and-learn or cross-unit information sharing sessions.