The Pros and Cons of Avatars as On-Screen Mentors

In a related posting, I made the argument for making judicious use of on-screen hosts / mentors in eLearning programs. There are a number of compelling reasons for doing so, but there are also some downsides – particularly if content changes are likely to require...

Are QR Codes useful in workplace training?

Since I first learned about Quick Response (QR) codes several years ago, I’ve found or read about them cropping up in all sorts of places. To read them, you need a mobile device (e.g. Smartphone, iPod, tablet) equipped with a camera and QR Code-reading software,...

Is learner opinion alone adequate to evaluate a program?

Learning program managers often rely exclusively on learner surveys to gather data about the program’s success. Is this a good strategy? The answer is clearly NO. While learners are important stakeholders, there are several others including program managers, the...

Integrating Learning and Doing

Learning vs. Doing: An Approach in Need of Change Traditionally, workplace learning and doing have taken place at different times and at different locations. Classroom-based orientation training was provided soon after an employee’s hire, and then at infrequent...